R&D Customer Service Department
Our mission is to provide callers courteous, efficient and professional assistance to serve the needs of our customers. Our overall responsibility is to research and handle o request assistance from the appropriate parties to provide the caller with the service they require. Services include keeping the rider community informed of any changes in their service schedule, unforeseen events, and assists with appropriate solutions. Customer Service Representatives are trained and knowledgeable in Title 17 and California state mandated reporting requirements. Our staff are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on call staff are available evening, weekend and holiday hours for emergency situations.
Customer Service Department – Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m-5:00 p.m.
Please contact the R&D Customer Service line designated by Regional Center:
Regional Center R&D Toll Free Phone #:
Alta California Regional Center (ACRC)
1 (888) 808-2235
Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC)
1 (888) 647-0710
Kern County Regional Center (KRC)
1 (888) 383-4384
North Bay Regional Center (NBRC)
1 (888) 413-3432
North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC)
1 (800) 966-7114
San Andreas Regional Center (SARC)
1 (888) 850-2988
Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC)
1 (888) 413-3099
Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC)
1 (888) 695-8848
Toll Free Fax Line: 1 (866) 529-6102